The personal Photography and Philosophy website of Berwyn Powell. Currently has good scores but has identified some areas for improvement around image sizes and formats.
Site Scores
Pagespeed Insights | Website Carbon Calculator | WAVE | Blacklight |
Mobile: 98. Desktop: 99. | 0.41g | Errors: 0. Alerts: 0. | No ad-tech companies were found on this website. |
How these scores are calculated
The website homepage, and one other randomly selected page, are tested using a series of automated tools and the results aggregated. None of these tools can be considered 100% accurate, and may report some false negatives and positives. However, they do provide a good objective indication of website performance without the need for a manual audit.
Tool | Checks | Aggregation Method | Scoring |
Pagespeed Insights | Page load speed on mobile and desktop. | Mean of results. | 0 - 100. Higher is better. |
Website Carbon Calculator | Carbon emitted from viewing page. | Mean of results. | Grams of CO2. Lower is better. |
WAVE | Compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). | Worst individual score. | Number of Errors and Alerts (potential problems). Lower is better. |
Blacklight | Presence of user tracking technologies on page. | Single score, as it automatically checks multiple pages. | In-depth text summary of any trackers found. |
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